With the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions, there have been a limited number of events going on across campus and even less that students are able to actually go to and participate in. Come Tuesday September 22, there will finally be one of those opportunities.


Five years ago, the school of the arts began hosting Arts Invasion across campus in order to push students to not be comfortable and take risks by getting out in front of people and performing.


“We want as much as possible to have students in the arts performing and making things all over campus, out in the open, all day long,” Richard Roberson, the dean of the school of the arts, said. “It’s a little bit of everything. You know, dance, theater and I’m hoping we will have the ceramics wheel again.”


There are so many enjoyable things happening around campus that it was difficult for Roberson to be able to pinpoint his favorite part of the event. 


“I really enjoy playing,” he said. “But, my favorite part is just when I can walk around listening and watching everything. I love, just like everyone else, going from event to event. It kind of gives it almost like a festival or carnival type atmosphere.”


There are a lot of changes that Messiah staff has had to make. These changes have not come without sacrifice.


“The biggest thing is that the faculty is stretched so thin. We had to work really hard all summer, just planning and making decisions. There were a lot of guidelines coming out last minute regarding rehearsals,” Roberson said. “Deciding some of those things stretched everyone thin, so we didn’t have as much time to think about Arts Invasion.”


Despite this difficulty, Roberson and the arts department are able to put on the event for students to enjoy. Instead of having a few indoor events this year, everything will be outdoors.


“We will be outside. We will have masks on. Dancers will be six feet apart. Despite this, it’s still dance and people beating on drums,” Roberson said.


Roberson is always really pleased with the feedback he receives from faculty members across campus.


“I’m amazed at the positive response this day has had every year. I think it’s just wonderful,” Roberson said. “I’m thrilled it has had such a positive reaction from the Messiah community as a whole.”


Arts Invasion will run all day on Tuesday September 22 starting at 9 a.m.