Three of Messiah’s senior theater majors take the stage this weekend to present their work in the Fall Senior Series. This weekend’s series feature the original works of Caitlin Buswell, Gabrielle Johnson and Evan Tisman. 

Here is a preview of what audience members can expect to see this weekend from our seniors:


Q:  What is the title of your show?

Caitlin Buswell:  I’m Okay

Gabrielle Johnson:  Shattered Glass

Evan Tisman:  Living; Proof


Q:  What is your show about?

CB:  Overall my show tells the story of healing and friendship.

GJ:  Overall my show covers the topic of eating disorders and body image issues and how we often don’t recognize how the words that we use hold the power to shatter one’s reflection of themselves.

ET:  My show is about how depression affects one’s life and the relationships around the person.

Q:  What are you most looking forward to about your show?

CB:  I have an amazing team to help me tell the story that I’ve wanted to tell for the past three years.

GJ:  I’m looking forward to the hopeful impact my show will leave on the audience. I’m also just so excited to finally share what I’ve been working on all semester.

ET:  What I’m looking forward to the most is sharing the reality and truth about what depression is capable of and bringing awareness to the matter, because depression is generalized so much that it’s hard to understand the depth behind it.

Q: What’s something that you would want your audience to take away after watching it?

CB:  As a theatre artist, I am drawn to stories of hope and healing even if that does not happen on stage. I hope my audience is able to see that healing is possible.

GJ:  After seeing my show I want the audience to walk away with simply something to think about. Maybe they never thought about how easy it is to tear someone down even if that isn’t your intent. Or maybe you relate to the story I tell, if so I want you to know you are not alone. You should come to see my show because I am telling a story that a lot of people aren’t quite ready to tell yet. Important stories that deserve to be heard.

ET:  I hope the audience takes away the awareness behind the subject and understands the reality behind this mental illness. I also hope the audience captures the reality of finding the light within the darkness.


The Fall Senior Series will take place on December 3 and 4 at 8 PM in the Poorman Black Box Theater in Climenhaga. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online, by phone at 717-691-6036 or at the door as available. Audience members will be required to wear masks during the performance.