Two more of Messiah’s seniors take the stage this weekend to present their work in the Fall Senior Series. This weekend’s series feature the original works of Theater and Dance major Liberty Dolence and Dance major Mackenzie Williams.

Here is a preview of what audience members can expect to see this weekend from our seniors:

  1. What is the title of your show?

Liberty Dolence:  As I Talk to Me

Mackenzie Williams:  A Night of Exploration: an improv through the benefits

  1. What is your show about?

LD:  The story is about an aspiring model, Kara. It tackles the big theme: truth in self-talk. How do we get to it? What does it look like?

MW:  My show is exploring the benefits of dance through the style of improv. This performance shows how dance can benefit your life. There are many benefits to dancing, but the majority of these benefits can be condensed into four categories; physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.

  1. What are you most looking forward to about your show?

LD:  I am looking forward to combining my love for dance and theater into one 50 minute story. I love both so much and am very excited I get to use both!

MW:  I am looking forward to offering something new and refreshing to the audience. I am also looking forward to performing this work in real-time with amazing and talented dancers alongside me.

  1. What’s something that you would want your audience to take away after watching it? Why should audience members come to see your show?

LD:  I simply want my audience to come away challenging the way that they talk to themselves and spark the beginning of them telling themselves the truth. A lot of times, we are bombarded with lies that we tell ourselves. I want the audience’s mindset to be challenged and for them to have the opportunity to think about how they talk to themselves.

MW:  Audience members should come to see the show because they actually get to have their own section in the performance. There is a lot of communication between dancers and the audience, including special audience participation at the end. This is an upbeat and explorative show. A major takeaway from the show would be that dancing is beneficial to everyone and everyone can dance.


The Fall Senior Series will take place on December 10 and 11 at 8 PM in the Poorman Black Box Theater in Climenhaga. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Audience members will be required to wear masks during the performance.