In these past few months, the world seems to have transformed into something of an apocalyptic world. A global pandemic called COVID-19 has affected millions worldwide. According to The Washington Post, as of August 27th there are 24,210,000 cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with the number of deaths at approximately 823,000. 


Recently, Johns Hopkins University and The Washington Post have been working together to get this data available for the public, especially regarding U.S. cases. 


“The disease caused by the novel coronavirus has killed at least 178,000 people in the United States since February 2020,” a Johns Hopkins University statement said.


With the world in such panic, groups across the world, such as the World Health Organization, (WHO) and Charity Navigator, have been working around the clock, researching other strands of coronavirus, administering tests and informing people on the numbers and ways to maintain safety. 


The two most common forms are wearing face masks and sanitizing hard surfaces, which are both directions of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, just because physical precautions have been voiced primarily, this does not mean mental health should be forgotten. 


Jesse Stevens, a senior majoring in applied health science, wants to make sure that mental health is not forgotten. 


Honestly outside of the wearing of the mask and proper hygiene when it comes to dealing with COVID-19 I believe that people tend to forget the mental comment to staying healthy,” Stevens said.


With studying long hours, meeting the requirements demanded from professors and trying to balance time between school and home, it can become hard on body and mind.


“This global pandemic has caused plenty of fear and stress which only contributes to a weakened immune system allowing them to be at an even greater risk,” Stevens said. “I think taking the time and centering yourself, whether that be finding a hobby you enjoy, hanging out with friends (socially distanced of course) or simply taking a moment to understand where you stand mentally, emotionally and spiritually can only be beneficial when trying to stay safe during these uncertain times.” 


The Engle Center is located next to the Larsen Student Union and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The mental health hub has been moved from the Engle Center to the Climenhaga Homestead to allow for more room for each to follow the COVID-19 guidelines.