On September 23, Messiah University held its annual International Day of Peace Commemoration in Parmer Hall. 

Students and faculty members from the Peace and Conflict Studies, Department of Music, and Department of Theater and Dance led this year’s campus commemoration.

Dr. George Pickens, a theology and religion professor as well as the director of the Peace and Conflict Studies program, oversees the International Day of Peace at Messiah.

“The International Day of Peace is meant to be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace,” Pickens said. “Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building cultures of peace.”

The event included presentations of choral and dance performances and focused prayer for world peace. Dancers from GiViM performed two choreographic works choreographed by Gregg Hurley. The Chambers Singers and Concert Choir gave a vocal performance conducted by Joy Meade. 

International Day of Peace remains an integral event to the Messiah community. Pickens highlights why this day is important to the University. 

“International Day of Peace is a regular reminder that as Christians we are followers of the Prince of Peace who taught and modeled peace through HIs life, death, and resurrection,” Pickens said. “[This day] asks Christians to examine themselves and their communities and ask what we’re doing to promote peace.”

Students should contact Dr. Pickens via email gpickens@messiah.edu with questions regarding the International Day of Peace.