Classes are in full swing, and students are no doubt feeling the stress of all those exams, assignments and presentations. It’s important to take some time to relax, have fun with your friends and give your mind some time to refresh. 

Messiah has a lot of events this week to accomplish that. Here is a list of what’s going on this week. And don’t forget to watch out for Homecoming events this weekend!


Into the City Mini: to Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee Services in Harrisburg (Wednesday 2:30-5:30 p.m.)

Google meet with Rebakah Glick to talk about her career in politics and her views on LGBTQ+ rights (Wednesday 7-8:15 p.m.)

Weekly Swing Dance lesson in Sollenberger 204J (Thursday 8:30-9:30 p.m.)

Trivia night in Murray Library (Friday 6:45-9 p.m.)

Tea and Testimonies in the Harbor House (Friday 7-9 p.m.)

Lost Films on Bittner Beach (movie: Luca) by SAB (Friday 8 p.m.)

Powderpuff Games (Saturday beginning at 11 a.m.)

Whiteout March (Saturday 5:45 p.m.)

Homecoming Coffeehouse (Saturday 9:45-11:45 p.m.)

There are also many options to attend athletic events and cheer on your friends, and the classes at the fitness center are great for your physical and mental health!