The student body presidential election is happening this week. You can attend the presidential candidate town hall this Wednesday night at 7 p.m. in the Union. The first 30 minutes will be a meet and greet with all of the candidates. After the meet and greet there will be a structured debate and then the candidates will answer student questions. Voting opens right after the town hall and closes Friday at 10pm.


Before you go to the town hall, here’s what you need to know about each candidate, their qualifications, what they want to change and how they want to change it. Each candidate’s application and resume can be found here.

Ticket: Cody Ford and Judy Kyei-Poku

Cody Ford – Rising senior

  • Qualifications
    • Served on student review board freshman year
    • Served on the student government executive cabinet sophomore year
    • Serves as student body vice president
  • Goals 
    • Wants to amplify voices and represent views of student body
    • Address the sustainability of club funding
  • How?
    • Allow clubs to partner with outside businesses in order to fundraise
    • Find a middle ground for keeping campus safe while providing a normal college experience during COVID-19


Judy Kyei-Poku – Rising senior

  • Qualifications
    • Served as student senator on social concerns committee
    • Was student diplomat to the University Gender Concerns Committee
    • Served as “community and diversity” editor at The Pulse
    • Serves on Messiah Ambassador Leadership team
  • Goals
    • Address and change the lack of resources available to different groups on campus
    • Create a sense of unity for all students
  • How?
    • Meet with clubs from all backgrounds to ensure that SGA’s changes meet the needs of the clubs and organizations
    • Strive to reach out to every student and create an inclusive campus

Ticket: Pauline Deutcheu and Mireliz Bermudez

Pauline Deutcheu – Rising senior

  • Qualifications
    • Served as Resident Assistant
    • Serves as Martin Scholar Mentor
    • Serves as Senior Resident Assistant
  • Goals
    • Shape campus to reflect the dreams of its students
    • Create a campus that fosters a sense of community
    • Meet needs of underrepresented students
    • Continue the momentum of reconciliation to combat the lack of connection
  • How?
    • Offer Sunday morning chapel
    • Help clubs find ways to host events in partnership with local businesses
    • Increase outdoor seating in the greenspace
    • Create a tips and tricks financial program to help students deal with the financial stress of college
    • Advocate for first-generation students


Mireliz Bermudez– First Year

  • Qualifications
  • Joined senate and serves on council for student engagement
      • Served in the Pep team (Ambassador)
  • Goals
      • Represent underrepresented students
      • Reconcile the student body after two years of disconnection
      • Address the issue of severance in community
  • How?
    • Create a program that would support financially challenged students
    • Create a probation period for students who cannot obtain the required GPA for their scholarships
    • Support local mom-and-pop shops

Ticket: Samantha Neal and Mason Powers

Samantha Neal– Rising senior

  • Qualifications
      • Serves as president of physics club
  • Goals
    • Provide for current students so they have a reason to stay at Messiah
    • Advocate for increased funding for clubs
    • Call for policy reform (alcohol, parking, LGBTQ+)

Mason Powers– Rising junior

  • Qualifications
      • Played lead role of Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing
  • Goals 
      • Bring students together for more events
      • Listen to the voice of the student body
  • How?
    • Have more student mixers aside from the first-year mixer.