Thanks to the Multicultural Council (MCC) for hosting the first Coffeehouse, the 2022 fall semester opened with high energy. On Thursday, the Larsen Student Union was packed wall to wall with students new and old, eager to welcome another year of fresh new experiences.

For incoming students who have yet to attend Coffeehouse, this event is a monthly talent show dedicated to displaying the diverse talents of our student body. From music, to hip hop ensembles, beatboxing, and even magicians, there is undoubtedly a spot on stage for any student performer. MCC Coffeehouse, according to MCC President Annabelle Dionisio, is an event made specifically for new multicultural students.

 “MCC Coffeehouse happens on Multicultural move-in-day to provide a tailored experience for our multicultural students. We wanted to create an opportunity for new multicultural students to understand the energy of MCC. Ultimately, this is a celebration of heritage and talent through performance,” Dionisio said.

Not only is the MCC Coffeehouse a demonstration of talent, but it is also an initiative to create a more inclusive and diverse environment on campus.

“Life for multicultural students can be difficult at a predominantly white institution. The point of this event is to let them know that there is a safe space on campus where culture and heritage is appreciated. It’s a chance for new students to find other people who make them feel like they’re home,” Dionisio said.

Coffeehouse kicked off with a heartfelt prayer from Dionisio, alongside Student Body President Pauline Deutcheu and Vice President Mireliz Bermudez. Following this, group performances from the clubs that reside under the umbrella of the Multicultural Council signaled the start of an exciting night. 

These performances featured a sequence of skits and cultural dances from the Black Student Union (BSU), Asian Student Association (ASA), African Student Union (ASU), La Alianza Latina (LAL), the International Student Association MU Kappa Chapter (ISA MU Kappa), and the Caribbean Student Association (CSA). All of the emphatic performances demonstrated a strong sense of appreciation for their respective cultures, creating an atmosphere that was nothing less than infectiously joyful. 

After group performances, a few individual students showed off their talents. Surprisingly, two bold performers happened to be first-year Music Education students, Evan Rojas and Aaron Hickok.

Rojas graced the fluorescent-lit stage with his saxophone triumphantly in hand.

“I’m trying new things, taking college one day at a time,” Roja said with a smile on his face after his performance. 

Hickok also managed to steal the show shortly after Rojas, performing a magic trick called the “Card’s Impossible Location.” When asked why he chose to perform that night, he spoke of his love for performing.  

 “I love performing…when I get on the stage, it just feels like my home,” Hickok said.

After an additional student performance and a closing dance number that managed to get the entire crowd on their feet, the air was filled with laughter as the night came to an end. Dionisio gave a few closing words, thanking students for their attendance and expressing how much MCC has meant to her over the years.

“The MCC is the reason I came to and stayed at Messiah. Seeing first year students with those who have been here for years, it just brings me so much joy to have us all here together,” Dionisio said. 

MCC encourages any and all students who are interested in learning and celebrating culture alongside their peers to be on the lookout for their upcoming events in anticipation of an exciting new year ahead.