“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.”

Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata”


This time last year, the collective students of Messiah were hunkered down in winter coats, boots, and sweaters, sipping hot chocolate and rushing between classes to avoid the harsh winds. 2022 has proven to be much different. I really never thought we’d be wearing shorts and playing spikeball outside in November, but here we are. Is it climate change? Is God just tired of making cold weather? I guess we’ll never know. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

 To take advantage of the lovely summer weather we’re enjoying this fall, my recommendation to you this week is one of my favorite spots to set up a picnic or study in the sun. Right behind the Agape center lies a greenspace, tucked away enough to be out of sight but easy enough to get to without much effort. There are some beautiful trees there (just trust me on this one, the trees are great) to provide some shade but not enough to make you chilly. There’s not much chance of being chilly with 70+ degree weather out anyways, but it doesn’t hurt to mention, right?

I love going here with a book or a lighter homework assignment. It’s a great place to recharge, and an especially great place to take a friend and catch up. The last time I popped in, a few friends and I brought magazines to cut pieces out of and made some mini zines and collages. It’s a fun, versatile spot to do whatever your heart desires – have fun with it, listen to some fun music, and try not to sweat too much in the autumn heat. I believe in you.

“Amid the Noise and Haste” is a column dedicated to re-centering, to re-focusing, on stillness and appreciation for nature during the craziness of the school year. Written by Emma Bane, this column will highlight a wide range of spots on and off campus that are perfectly suited to serenity and intentionality; places to go to think, read, paint, talk, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature. It aims to explore the wide variety of hidden gems found on Messiah’s campus and foster an environment of peace.