A movie many people consider to be one of the most mind-bending stories, “Interstellar” is full of great acting and interesting storylines. It is most well known for its soundtrack, which won several Academy Awards.

Directed by Christopher Nolan and boasting a cast with Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Matt Damon, it was a guaranteed blockbuster. However, the biggest critique for this film is exactly what makes it so different: the elaborate, and rather confusing, plot.

To start off, the acting is impeccable. When the cast is as A-list as this one, there is no excuse for it to be anything less than amazing. And that’s exactly how well they did. Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway were incredible. Joseph Cooper (McConaughey) had all the emotions of a loving father. As soon as the movie begins, you develop a connection with Cooper and his kids, especially his life as a single father. This keys in really well for the rest of the film, and the anguish that Cooper goes through as time passes truly illustrates a father suffering. It is never overly dramatic or bland, and the characters really seem like people that I could see and get to know.

The plot has two different sides to it: a captivating, emotional story filled with complexity and a mind-bending film of trying to change the past. For most of the movie, there is a continuous, linear plot of trying to find a new planet for humanity. However, the last 30 minutes completely changed the idea of the movie, and I, personally, love it. I have asked other people about how they feel about the ending, and quite a few said that the out-of-nowhere, rigid change really confused them and ruined their interpretation of a good film. I would disagree, but since many people think this, it’s hard to say that the movie is perfect.

Despite that, it is still an amazing film and a masterpiece from Nolan, who had already certified his spot in director-greatness with The Dark Knight Trilogy. It is best to watch this movie with someone who has seen it before, since it can be incredibly confusing without a guide. However, it is a fantastic movie that deserves all the praise it gets.


Rating: 9.4


“Reams and Reels,” written by Cade Smucker, dives into the intersection between books and movies. Reviewing books one week and movies the next, Smucker analyzes the newest works of fiction on the market, telling you which are worth your time, and which are not.