Owen Hanzelman is a junior libero for the men’s volleyball team. You can catch him on the hardwood setting up his teammates with amazing digs and passes. He also sets his teammates up by being a positive influence at practice. You can always find Hanzelman chatting it up and uplifting his teammates.

“Owen’s attitude and his love for the guys around him are contagious,” said Zac Barbato, a junior on the volleyball team. 

In terms of pre-game rituals, Hanzelman does one thing before games that might surprise a lot of people. “I almost always have a cup of Dr. Pepper before every game. I feel like it just gives me that little boost of energy I need, plus, you can’t beat the cherry flavor,” Hanzelman said. 

You might also find Hanzleman with a book in hand while he sips his Dr. Pepper. What kind of book you might ask? Historical biographies. Reading books is a key way he can lock into a game mode.  “I just like learning, it’s cool to read something other than college books all the time, it’s really a great way to expand your horizons,” Hanzelman said. 

Hanzelman’s hobbies extend beyond his time on the court. He’s found that weightlifting provides a needed mental break from his schedule. 

“Lifting weights has been a healthy way to relieve stress,” Hanzleman said.  “Through my wellness course, I found different ways to focus on bettering myself other than through my sport. It’s another hobby that I can do outside of sports or school work, and it helps take my mind off of other things.” 

Once Hanzelman graduates from Messiah, a goal of his is to get into law school. Through an internship, he got to work with personal injuries and workers’ compensation lawyers. This is something he really enjoyed and he’s working with them again this upcoming summer. 

Tagline: So many athletes do more than play sports. Take a look at Falcon Phenoms to find out what Messiah’s athletes do and enjoy on and off the court!