The sequel of the well-renowned “Knives Out” released in 2019, “Glass Onion” had sky-high expectations prior to its release. It was marketed as a mystery that stays in the same realm of the first movie, with the only continuous character being the brilliant detective of the first movie, Benoit Blanc, played by A-level actor Daniel Craig. This movie tried to capture attention with its star studded cast and interesting plotline, and although it definitely worked, the ending was predictable and there were few likable characters. 

Craig was not the only big name starring in the film, they were able to get a whole list of big actors, headlined by Janelle Monet, Edward Norton and Kathryn Hahn, with smaller roles being played by Dave Bautista, Madeline Cline, Ethan Hawke, Leslie Odom Jr. and Kate Hudson. This could be the most well-known cast I have seen in a single movie, showing the influence that the “Knives Out” franchise already has. Big names go along with great acting, so it is obvious that they performed at a very high level. The performances were immersive, as the characters were incredibly realistic and fun to watch. Along with the great acting, the plot, as with the first movie, is full of surprises and unexpected twists, which all good mysteries need. 

However, there were many issues, mostly credited to the increased expectations that go along with being the sequel of a blockbuster. The plot is predictable, despite the numerous plot twists put in to throw off the audience. It ended up getting too complicated and only a couple endings could even be possible. Since the characters were designed to all have motives against the supposed victim, they all had middling personalities and were not likable, besides the obvious Detective Blanc, who keeps his Southern charm from the first movie.

Although the expectations of a good mystery film were met, the cast could not elevate the movie to the level of the first one, and, although it seems unfair, that comparison will stick with it as the years continue on.

Rating: 7.1

Tagline: “Reams and Reels,” written by Cade Smucker, dives into the intersection between books and movies. Reviewing books one week and movies the next, Smucker analyzes the newest works of fiction on the market, telling you which are worth your time, and which are not.