(GRANTHAM, Pa.)– Excitement is high on campus as the new first-year class moves in, assisted by upperclassmen.


Current students who have moved onto campus early for leadership assist every year to help first years’ move-in experience run more smoothly, giving them a taste of the welcoming community on campus.

Despite nerves about the transition, the overall mood on campus is one of anticipation and optimism as students expressed excitement to start this new chapter in their lives.

Derek Weber, a civil engineering major moving into Naugle, expressed his excitement about starting a new journey many hours away from his home in Rhode Island, looking forward to new connections.

“I came from a really small private school, and there weren’t really other people with the same interests as me,” he said. “Here, I think I’ll find a lot more people to make good connections with.”

Noah Statler, a psychology student settling into Naugle, shared his initial impressions.

“I’m excited to be somewhere where everyone is super welcoming, stepping in to help me,”  he said. “I mean, they unloaded [my car] in like two minutes. I’m just really excited to get involved with this new community.”

In Bittner, biology major Alex Zessis had a smooth move-in experience and looks forward to a new start at Messiah.

“I’m looking forward to starting my major courses and seeing what the student life and chapel services are like and getting involved with stuff around campus,” he said.

Sidney Avers, an elementary and special education student living in Witmer had a “nice and easy” move in, thanks to the help she received, and is excited to see her roommate.

“I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and growing in my relationship with God,” she said.

Roommates Kaylyn Rice and Maggie Hegedus, nursing majors, had a smooth move-in to their new home in Witmer.

“I’m excited, but also nervous and anxious,” Rice said.

They both expressed confidence that Messiah is the right place for them.

“I spent the night with a friend here and I felt so welcomed and like it’s a good university to be at,” Hegedus said.

“When I toured it, it was so welcoming and open, like everyone is so nice,” Rice said. “And it’s a Christian school, so I think it was best to follow my faith here.”

If you are a first-year student looking for ways to make new friends and plug into new experiences on campus, here are a few tips and ideas:

  • Connect with people on your floor if you’re a residential student or in the commuter lounge (located on the ground level of Mountain View) if you commute. Leave your door open while you’re in your room and spend time in common spaces in the dorm buildings.
  • Stop by Club Fair at the Union on Thursday, August 29, from 4:30-6:30 to connect with leaders from clubs and student organizations, and get a feel for where you’d like to get involved.
  • Looking to make friends and a little extra cash? On-campus jobs are a great way to connect with people and make money. Visit https://jobs.messiah.edu for employment opportunity listings.
  • Go to Powerhouse, a student-led worship night in Hostetter on Thursdays at 8:30 p.m.
  • Attend events hosted by SAB and student clubs and organizations.
  • Join a Student Ministries group or Bible study.
  • Get involved with The Pulse! Email pulsestudentdirector@messiah.edu to get involved as a volunteer, and keep an eye on our website for  open positions.