Madeline Crocenzi
Summer Director
There are always those moments we look back on and wonder what we were possibly thinking. It’s hard not to cringe when you look back at that bad haircut and Facebook post you thought was so clever. You, like me, probably made other questionable decisions over the years, whether it’s seeing how many cookies you can eat in a day or buying that pointless and expensive disco lamp for your room. After experiencing all the highs and lows of college, some alumni and upperclassmen are ready to share their knowledge with those who need it.
1. Take time to get involved in clubs, sports, and organizations, not just with the newest show on Netflix.

First-year students signing up for a variety of clubs and organizations like the Outdoors Club, at the Opportunities Fair.
“I would say to get involved with on campus groups and activities, you never know what great opportunities they could bring!” – Mikaela Mummert
2. Spend your time focused on friends instead of ring by spring trends.

First-year students act out three “engagements” by the covered bridge during last year’s scavenger hunt.
“I’d say romantic relationships can wait. Work on friendships first. Those are the ones that will probably last the longest.” – Gabby Campisi
3. Take a deep breath and proudly accept that B.
“Don’t stress so much. So what if you got a B on a test? You’ll survive! College isn’t as easy as high school.” – Ally Coonradt
4. Just like the perfect combination of peanut butter and jelly, don’t do too much or too little.
”Don’t be a scaredy-cat, but don’t over commit yourself. Many people I know tried to do EVERYTHING during their first year and therefore were too stressed. I was too scared to do much and didn’t take risks until later on. Find the happy medium. Do something scary. Do something silly/embarrassing. Just do college in a way that you grow so much that you look back on your first year self and you laugh at how young and different you were back then.” – Sarah Fleischmann
5. Manage your schedule but leave time for random Baker’s runs and late-night excursions.
Last but not least, my own advice. Don’t micromanage your days so much that you have no time for spontaneity. Some of the best experiences come from last minute plans.
Do you have some tips for your first-year self? Let us know on Facebook, twitter, or our website!