
The radio team runs 90.7 Pulse FM: Messiah College Radio. They work hard to train student DJs, talk to record promoters, provide music at campus events, create our college radio playlists, and so much more!


Name: Mikaela Mummert
Position: Radio Station Manager
Major: Media, Culture, and Technology
Year: Sophomore
From: Dover, PA

About Me: I love country music, reading, and quality time with Jesus, family, and friends.  I also love to go camping and kayaking.  I grew up in a super small town all my life and went to a small Christian high school.  Tae Kwon Do is my favorite physical activity.  I can be shy at times, I love getting to know people and making new friends.   

My biggest goal: My biggest life goal right now is to hopefully get a job involving country radio…that would be amazing.   

My Biggest Accomplishment: Getting my third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do.     

Advice:  Always try something new that interests you…you never know what opportunities it might bring! 


Name: Kieran Mayer
Position: Music Director
Major: Theatre/Youth Ministry
Year: Junior
From: Atlanta, Georgia

About Me: Jesus is my favorite. I love all things theatre/ performing, music, dance parties, warm chocolate chip cookies, and hiking in the Adirondack Mountains.

Fun Fact: My name is actually traditionally an Irish boy’s name! I love it, though. I actually went to Dublin, Ireland this past J-term and it was phenomenal. While I was over there, almost every Dubliner I met chuckled and asked me why I “had a lad’s name.”

Odd thing about you: I eat peas every time I go to Lottie. I know, it’s weird. It’s not that I love peas, either. I just eat them.