The web team runs our website and social media keeping the campus updated on news and events. The business team (or guy) makes sure we stay on budget, secures advertisements for the magazine, and more.
Name: Jessalyn
Position: Social Media Manager
Major: Sustainability Studies
Year: Senior
From: New Jersey
About me: I’m a sustainability kid most often found hugging trees and laughing at my own puns.
Life motto: You must do something to make the world more beautiful. Biggest accomplishment: I hiked the Tongariro Alpine Crossing – also known as Mordor – in New Zealand!
Fun fact: I am the queen of ugly Snapchat selfies.
Position: Business Manager
Major: Business Administration w/ Finance & Leadership Concentration
Year: Senior From: Elizabethtown, PA
Your life motto and why: “Just keep smiling.” I like to see the positive in any and all kinds of situations. Why not smile? After all, smiles are contagious!
Your biggest goal in life right now: Graduate College and get a full-time job
What you love most about Messiah: The friends I’ve made and the atmosphere. Everyone is so friendly. I also love that I was able to meet my awesome girlfriend here!
A fun fact about you: I’m ‘Germaican’. Half German… Half Jamaican. ‘Nuff Said.
Position: Web Manager (Web Mistress and Web Princess are also acceptable)
Major: Public Relations
Year: Junior
From: Chambersburg, PA
About me: I’m a combination of too much caffeine, internet memes, and really cool socks.
Life motto: “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” – Proverbs 16:24 I aim to be a happy-spirited individual that brings joy to others in all settings. I love this verse because it reminds me to show kindness to others. Plus, being nice to people is healthy for you!
Biggest accomplishment: Surviving two years of college. It’s been a long, emotional ride (as in a lot of chocolate and late night venting-sessions).
Me in 5 years: I currently do photography as a hobby and side-job, but I’m hoping to continue pursuing photography in the future so I can make it a side business. I also hope to have like, 4 dogs. But if I only have the dogs, that’s still a win.