Jen Morgan
Student Writer

When the word “feminism” is uttered, it tends to have mixed results. Instead of associating the feminist movement with social justice and rights for all, some people unfairly stick with the classic “bra burning and man hating” stereotype.

To set the record straight, the dictionary definition of feminism is “the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.” Let’s note a few points not included in this definition: women trying to become more powerful than men, women disrespecting men, or women complaining about mediocre concerns. Instead, the true definition of feminism advocates for equal rights between the sexes, and advocates for a world where women can slay the world the same way men can, without any judgement or questioning. 

Being a feminist does not mean that someone cannot act feminine or be a stay-at-home mom, but rather it gives options and opportunities to women that we society has already given to men for years. It is about “leaning in,” having limitless career opportunities and not being afraid to venture onto the path that God has called you on as His child. Women can be pastors and leaders, since the gifts that God has given us as individuals should not be put into jeopardy or compromised simply by our biology. 

It’s important to talk about feminism because it has become extremely prevalent in our culture today. Many celebrities such as Beyoncé and Emma Watson have stepped up to the plate as activists for the feminist movement, both in their words and actions. Millennials are starting to bring feminism to the forefront when it comes to discussing important social issues. Feminism isn’t just a catchy buzzword; it’s a call to action that we all need to listen to. 

Although so many inspiring women have stepped up to the plate when it comes to advocating for feminism, there will never be true equality between the sexes until men step up, too. As more and more people have begun to realize this, powerful campaigns such as #HeForShe have started from the idea that men need to play an active role in how women are treated. 

We learn in Genesis 1:26 that “when God created mankind, He made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them, and He named them “mankind” when they were created.” This means that both males and females reflect the image of God as unique individuals, where gender superiority is not an issue. When we disrespect others based on their sex, we devalue the beloved creation of God.

Here at Messiah, let’s begin to discuss feminist issues with open minds and hearts. Let us put the stereotypes aside and really dig into research that supports social justice initiatives that advocate for men and women around the world. Let us learn to become advocates for each other, supporting the goals and dreams of every student. Let us always be reminded that our main identity comes from who we are in Christ, rather than on whether our birth certificate says male or female.