Alyssa Burd
Online Editor


Eyas member Molly Gallagher. Photo retrieved from

As the end of the school year draws close, students’ schedules seem to get even busier as papers, projects and assignments begin to pile up. However, Eyas is giving students a fun break by hosting the 2016 We <3 Messiah week starting on Monday, April 25.

Eyas President, Alex Morgan says, “We actually have an event every day [this week]. Every day kinda has a theme of why we <3 Messiah.”

This week will feature a variety of activities and events to help students “de-stress” and enjoy the last full week of school with their classmates and professors.

According to Morgan, Monday is “Tradition Day” and will feature tubing on the Yellow Breeches from 3-6 p.m. Participants are welcome to meet by the covered bridge where tubes will be for sale for $5, or students may bring their own. There will also a photo contest using the hashtag #weheartmessiah. Three different winners with the best photos will receive a $15 gift certificate to Chik-fil-A.

Tuesday is “Community Day” from 6-9 p.m. at the Union. Food vendors such as Lancaster Cupcake and Frosty Llama will make an appearance that night and will give away a designated amount of free food. A photo booth will also be available, in addition to a bouncy house and inflatable maze.

Wednesday is “Leave Your Mark Day.” Students will have the opportunity to leave their handprint on the We <3 Messiah banner at 11:15 a.m. in Legacy Park. The first 200 students will get free t-shirts.

Thursday, Eyas will partner with the Impact Venture Challenge Finale as a way of looking to the future. A dessert reception will be available for students and alumni to connect and celebrate accomplishments.

Finally, Friday is “Thank You Day.” Students will be able to write a card or note to a friend, professor, relative, etc. to say thank you for the memories and experiences they have had throughout the year. Stickers and candy bars will also be given out to conclude the week.

According to Morgan, “We <3 Messiah week I think is just a really good opportunity to really pinpoint some of those reasons why you love [Messiah] and actually think about it. I think it’s also just a really fun week to show why you love your school and why you’re here.”

For more information about the upcoming events and activities, contact Alex Morgan or another member of Eyas and be sure to show your school spirit during the 2016 We <3 Messiah week!

563979_389154537879473_1126415003_nAlyssa Burd, Online Editor
Alyssa is a sophomore journalism major who hails from the beautiful land of Hess 1st.