Ashlee Miller
Student Writer
Student leaders play key roles in Messiah College’s community. Through collaboration, decision-making and ingenuity, Messiah’s student leaders all work to make campus life as enjoyable and opportunistic as possible for every student – but how many students have actually taken the time to get to know some of their student leaders?
Jamie-Claire Chau
Year: Junior
Position: Multi-Cultural Council Chair
Major: Sociology & Anthropology and Psychology
What involvement did you have in Move-In Day/Early Arrival this year?
I worked at a table in Brubaker. I got to meet Martin and Amigo Scholars and invite them and another students to the Multicultural Programs Cookout. I was excited to share the experience of beginning the Martin and Amigo Scholarship program with new students.
What do you enjoy most about your leadership position?
Seeing and hearing everyone in the council talk about their passions and deep care for the student body along with their vision for our student body. We discuss the access we have to the resources to make those visions for the student body come to life.
Fun fact about you?
I can wiggle my ears!
Nate Elder
Year: Senior
Position: Agape Center Local Service Leader
Major: Biology
What do you enjoy most about your leadership position?
Getting to know people in the local community and being able to learn from each other.
What encouraged you to want to become a student leader?
Leading a service trip to Northern Ireland where I worked in a school and helped teach and encourage reconciliation dialogue.
Fun fact about you?
I have a twin sister, Rachel.
Molly Gallagher
Year: Junior
Position: Resident Assistant of Witmer 4B
Major: Communication
What involvement did you have in Move-In Day/Early Arrival this year?
I spent the day on Witmer 4B. I got to help the girls settle in and meet their families and friends that they brought along. My main goal was to stay on the floor and make sure that everything was going smoothly.
How has your leadership position changed/shaped you?
I have learned to listen and communicate better. I have also learned to be myself more and not be afraid to speak my mind. I have grown in my identity and in my faith as well.
Fun fact about you?
I have a half of a fake tooth from a rollerblading accident that happened when I was in third grade.
Jake Edmunds
Year: Senior
Position: Student Body President
Major: Accounting with an English minor
Who encouraged you to become a student leader?
My first-year Orientation leader, Marcus Rodrigues. I wanted to be able to imitate his intentionality and his genuine love for people.
What involvement did you have in Move-In Day/Early Arrival this year?
At the Leadership Retreat, I was able to welcome and encourage other student leaders to be tone-setters on campus. On Move-In Day, the SGA cabinet and I helped move new students into Bittner and I was also able to welcome parents of new students to the reception at Orchard Hill. Later in the week, I updated new students about executive boards and other organizations, as well.
Fun fact about you?
I am allergic to Siamese cats.