Valerie Bell
Student Writer

The leaves are slowly changing color and beginning to flutter from the trees to the ground. The air is becoming more crisp. You begin to see limited edition pumpkin flavored everything, everywhere and Halloween is just around the corner. You know what all of this means – summer has disappeared and autumn is here! We all have those specific things we look forward to during this time of year, especially on Messiah’s campus. You know you have “fall fever” when…

  1. Pumpkin Spice lattes become your one and only beverage.


You might find yourself going to Starbucks for the pumpkin spice lattes that you have waited for all year and you may even pay $4.95 for a grande. Although it seems completely overpriced for a medium- sized coffee, it’s worth every penny and is everyone’s favorite fall treat.

  1. Sweater weather becomes a way of life


This is the time of year for sweaters of all colors and sizes. Whether it be your cute knit sweater or your oversized, comfy, ugly, go-to sweater, they all become part of your life.

  1. Leggings become pants again.


Ladies, what else would you want to wear with your oversized comfy sweaters and your tall boots? Leggings are the most popular and comfortable choice to complete your “typical college girl” outfit.

  1. Fall break is calling your name.

You’re about six weeks into the semester and it’s time for an escape. School work and “adulting” are almost too much to handle and maybe you just need some downtime outside of the Messiah bubble.

  1. Pumpkin picking is the only acceptable way to spend the weekends.


You look forward to those weekend trips you take to the pumpkin patch with your friends. Picking out the biggest pumpkin you can find and taking it home to carve a masterpiece in it just makes you feel like you’re doing life the right way.

  1. Picking out the right Halloween costume is completely necessary.


Even before October hits, Halloween candy can be found in every store. Of course you buy it, because let’s face it, you’re too old to trick-or-treat but tell that to your sweet tooth. You might also find yourself asking all your friends what costume you should wear to that Halloween party four weeks from now instead of studying.

  1. You’re constantly checking your weather apps for oh-so-unpredictable weather.


Is it acceptable to wear your sweater today? Or is shorts and a t-shirt the more acceptable choice? You constantly have to check the weather because some days are warm and other days are cool. You know when you get up for your 8 a.m. that it’s going to be cold out, but have no idea if it is going to heat up throughout the day – the frustration is real.

  1. Everyone (including you) tweets about fall being their favorite season.


All you see are tweets and posts about pumpkin spice and everything nice. All your friends are tweeting about how happy they are for the fall season. You also have 15 retweets on your own tweet saying “So glad it’s fall #hellooctober.” While it can be a bit much, you know you feel the same way.

  1. You post those Instagram pictures of all the trees and leaves with #nofilter.


Social media is bursting with pictures of the trees. All the colors of the leaves are changing and falling, making for a beautiful sight –  especially on Messiah’s campus.

  1. You dream of drinking hot chocolate, curling up with a blanket and enjoying this beautiful season.


The days have gotten shorter and the nights have gotten colder. The weather is as close to perfect as possible and there are so many reasons to enjoy and celebrate this autumn season. Let’s face it, we all have fall fever!

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