Madeline Crocenzi

This weekend is Homecoming Weekend, which means you only have a few days to get to know your 2016 Homecoming Court. This week, we’ll be profiling all ten members of this year’s Court so you feel prepared to cast your vote. Don’t forget to vote by the end of this week and head to the men’s soccer game this Saturday night at 6 p.m. to see who will be crowned Homecoming King and Queen.


Name:  Connor Reinhard

Major: Communications

What’s the last photo you took on your phone?
My friends and I sitting on a couch while it was being rolled down a hill on skateboards.


Bree Whitelock

Major: Public Relations

What’s your favorite throwback song?
“Angel” by Shaggy – it brings back memories of long weekend drives in the jeep with my dad when I was a kid.

Least favorite song – “Bleeding Love” by Leona Lewis … first memory I have of my grandma pointing out my lack of ability to sing.


Make sure you check our website and social media accounts for more Homecoming Court bios this week! 


maddieMaddie Crocenzi
Pug lover, Christ-follower, runner and peanut butter enthusiast.