Stephanie Bricker
Student Life Editor
This past summer, leaders in the Public Safety Department at Messiah developed a new “safety substation” located in Fry A3 for quicker, easier and more convenient safety services for students.
So how can students take advantage of the new substation? According to recent surveys, Messiah students have significant interest in receiving training in CPR and first aid. Now, the substation will offer classes to teach these techniques.
Additionally, Lynn Maynard, director of safety, says, “Our lead investigator and crime specialist will be running sessions regarding ‘how not to be a victim of theft’ and ‘how not to be a target of stalking’” in an increased effort to prevent crime on Messiah’s campus.
The substation also includes a new office where students can go to ask a Department of Safety worker questions such as, “How can I register my bike?” The substation will also provide basic first aid materials if you’re in need of a quick fix for a scratch or wound. Finally, in the case of an emergency, such as a mass shooting incident or massive amounts of snow (I’m looking at you, Jonas 2016), the substation provides another base from which safety workers can get materials to students.
Maynard says much of the substation is available for use now. “In terms of operational ability, we have the ability to hold trainings now, which has been very helpful for us.”
He adds that there will be training for students who are interested and even a contest to help the Department of Safety name the new office.
Students can rest assured that the Department of Safety is constantly working to keep students safe with new ideas and proposals, including the new safety substation. Take advantage of what Messiah has to offer in terms of awareness and action training—stay informed and stay safe.
Stephanie Bricker
Student Life Editor