Alyssa Burd
Online Editor
Many of you have probably noticed the sticky notes covering the wall near the Union staircase. These colorful notes serve as tokens of gratitude in honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday as well as reminders to always be thankful in times of uncertainty.
According to Faith Minnich Kjesbo, director of the Intercultural Office, “It’s been a tumultuous two weeks for a lot of students after the election and the way the world is going. In our office, we’ve been trying to find ways to help students process through their experiences.”
The sticky note inspiration came from photos of an art installation in New York City. “I had seen on the internet somewhere, an art installation in Union Station in New York City called ‘Subway Therapy,’ Minnich Kjesbo continues. “The artist set out a bunch of Post-It notes, some paper, and some pens and invited people to post things on the wall.”
After seeing the photos, Minnich Kjesbo recognized an opportunity to apply the same idea at Messiah. “I certainly recognized that it being Thanksgiving week, I thought what a great opportunity for us as a community to just commit to the practice of gratitude and have the opportunity to have a visual that helps us see from the silly to the sublime. I was really intentional to not put too many qualifiers on it, of course be courteous and appropriate, but be honest about the things you are thankful for.”
Since the installation of “The Gratitude Wall,” many students have come forward to post what they are grateful for. In honor of Thanksgiving, here are some more thoughts of gratitude from your fellow students:
Ha Sung Kang
Year: Junior
Major: Digital Media
“I am thankful for my professors!”
Stephanie Herrarte Torres
Year: Senior
Major: International Business
“I am thankful for my family and that I get to see them in 24 days, and I get to see my dogs too!”
Joe Kindon
Year: Senior
Major: Christian Ministries
“I am thankful for the community here at Messiah College and the people who just love Jesus and support one another.”
Mason McFee
Year: JuniorMajor: Communication
“I am thankful for friends and family that support me through the craziness at school.”
Kelsi Kramer
Year: Junior
Major: Digital Media
“I am thankful for time just to relax and see my family and take a break from the craziness that happens on campus. I definitely think it’s family and the traditions that my family has and getting to experience them–having all this time here by ourselves here on campus, but then getting to go back and see all of [my family].”
Taylor Belanger
Year: Sophomore
Major: Human Development and Family Science
“I am thankful that even in the midst of craziness, I get to go home and snuggle my puppy, hang out with my dogs and hang out with my brothers. I’m thankful that the Lord never stops giving–He’s solid, He’s a cool dude… J-man’s got my back!”