Stephanie Bricker
Student Life Editor
Tattoo preferences can vary widely in size and shape. Some prefer words or dainty symbols while others like more elaborate shapes or drawings. Several Messiah students have multiple tattoos, but this week’s feature tattoo-wearer, Kieran Mayer, a senior theater major, has just one word that holds enormous personal meaning.
Where did you get your tattoo and who is your artist?
I got my tattoo at Safe House Tattoo Studio in Nashville, Tennessee.
Was your tattoo very painful?
I thought it was painful, for sure—but I have very sensitive skin and a low pain tolerance.
How do you handle the pain?
I did not have a playlist with me, but I started to sing about how bad the pain was to one of my best friends, Gianne, who lovingly came with me! I was gripping her hand the whole time, and I just kept saying, “Tell me a story. Please. Anything.” And she would tell me funny or weird stories and that helped a lot to take my mind off of it.
What is the most common question you get asked about your tattoo?
The most common question I get is “What does your tattoo say?” or “What language is that?”
What does your tattoo mean to you?
My tattoo is incredibly significant to me. It means “Daughter of the King” in Hebrew, which is what I believe to be my sweetest identity in Jesus. It goes even deeper than that though, because I lost my dad when I was ten years old and that’s when I started to really have a relationship with the Lord. Jesus has become my provider and loving Father and has been my rock, my everything, ever since. I always want to remember that, in the joyous times and the hard ones. My unshakeable identity is as His daughter and my tattoo is a precious reminder of that.
What is the most common misconception about people with tattoos?
I think people tend to stereotype people with tattoos without even thinking about it. Usually that they are rough, rebellious, etc.
Do you have plans for another tattoo?
I might get another tattoo that says “it is well.” That is one of my favorite songs of all time and a reoccurring theme in my life: God’s peace through the storm. I think that phrase holds a lot of truth and strength.
What advice would you give to someone considering getting a tattoo?
My best advice is to think seriously about what you’re going to get tattooed. I waited three years before getting this one and I’m so thankful that I did because I know I’ll always love it. Also, definitely go with a friend!