Jemi Lui
Student Writer

Kira Fernandez
Major: Computer & Information Science

Why did you choose your major and what do you hope to do with it?

I started out as a biology major, however, I wasn’t interested in continuing on with graduate school or spending more time in school. I just wanted to gain knowledge and then go out into the work field and implement it. As I was looking over my options, I saw computer science. It was something my dad did, which he introduced me to at an early age. I’ve had a lot of experience with it and have always enjoyed it. The great thing about computing is that when you design something, you write the code for it and can instantly see what you’ve created–I think that’s really cool. In the future, I’d love to use it to create things for people–things or applications that allow their lives to be more convenient.

What’s your favorite thing about your internship the Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg?

My favorite thing about my internship is the team that I’m on, everyone is really helpful. Even though I don’t know much and I’m new, they’re not rude and they don’t treat me like I’m too young or too dumb. Any question is perfectly okay and they’re willing to give a long explanation and help me through the whole process.

What is some advice you could give to someone looking for an internship?

Messiah has a great program to help you look for internships. You can look online or talk to someone in the Career Center. Apart from that, you can look for some around the area. If you find something that you like or want to get into, try out for it. I know interviewing can be scary and so can filling out a resume, but if you put yourself out there, you’ll never know what you can find. Even if you feel under-qualified, you might get the position and it might turn out to be a great experience.

What is your favorite place to eat in the area?

My favorite place to eat would definitely be Pahka’s Thai House. I love Asian food and they serve the best Thai food in the area. It’s pretty close to Messiah, in Dillsburg.