Valerie Bell
Student Writer
There is nothing worse than being trapped inside on a dark, cold, snowy day. Maybe you dread that walk to class because of the brutal winds and icy sidewalks. And after class, you might find yourself bored with nothing to do since you can’t go outside. Here are a few ideas that may help you beat the “cold weather blues” during the snowy months this semester.
Perhaps try feng shui or another style to rearrange your furniture. You can even hang up new decorations, print new pictures or hang more posters. Switching it up once in a while can make being inside during the winter a lot more fun.
2. Binge watch a new series on Netflix
You’ve already seen all the episodes of “Stranger Things,” “Orange is the New Black,” and “Bob’s Burgers.” But now it’s time to either repeat all those episodes you’ve watched or surf Netflix for a new series.
Did you know that as long as you are a student, you get free Amazon Prime with your student email? Take advantage of this opportunity while you can. Whether you want to use it to order textbooks or just random things you want, surfing the web and shopping online is a great (yet costly) pastime.
Get together with all of your friends and make some popcorn (without burning it and setting off the fire alarms, of course). Watch your favorite Disney movies all night, or maybe some scary movies or a cheesy chick flick.
Whether you use the kitchen in your apartment or the one in your lounge, try baking and cooking new things. Find new recipes for cookies or cook dinner with your friends for the evening. It might make being inside not so bad after all. Besides, it will help you save those precious dining dollars too.
If you find yourself bored, find a group of people and play some board games or cards. This will keep you inside and distracted from the snow falling outside.
If you keep yourself occupied and out of the cold weather, winter may not be so bad. Hopefully following some of these tips can help you avoid extreme boredom and fight those “cold weather blues.”