Bree Whitelock
Student Director

Meet Jason Polansky: sophomore marketing major and WVMM 90.7’s first blind student DJ.

Each semester the Pulse’s radio station, WVMM 90.7, opens its airways for student DJs to showcase their music taste, host a talk show or creatively express themselves through an hour-long weekly timeslot.

As a new addition to the DJ team, Polansky hosts a weekly rock-oriented radio show through the use of his braille computer, iPhone and a little Bluetooth input.

“The iPhone has a voice-over program that reads everything out,” explains Polansky. “I look up braille display commands online and plug my iPhone into the mixer.” By using his braille device to control his iPhone, Polansky can systematically control which songs air on the station.

The Pulse’s Radio Station Manager, Jordan Tiburzi sat in on Polansky’s first couple shows until he got the hang of it, but now he runs his show completely on his own.

“I think it’s awesome the Pulse offers the opportunity for students to DJ their own radio show on campus,” says Tiburzi. “It gives the student body a chance to be a part of a great organization on campus and understand the process that goes into having a radio show while having fun experiencing something new and different on campus.”

Polansky has always been interested in radio, and now he uses his radio show as a way to give back to the world of music by introducing rock songs people may have never heard before.

“When you listen to a typical rock station you’ll hear AC/DC, Nirvana or some alternative like Cage the Elephant, but it’s not all stylistically consistent,” explains Polansky. “My station focuses on the pure hard rock and music of similar style. I keep it stylistically consistent.”

For a chance to listen in on Polansky’s radio show, tune into 90.7 on FM radio or at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays and listen throughout the week for other student shows!