Ian Tan
Student Writer

Spring break is a much needed period of the semester for many students, especially after midterms. Some head home and spend time with their families, others go on service trips and help with ministries, and some simply try to catch up on sleep and other fun activities that they missed out on during the busy semester.

Laura Almeida
Major: Engineering

What did you do over break?

Over break, I had the amazing opportunity of going on a service trip through the Agape Center to Miami, Florida to work with an organization called Praying Pelican. Our group was able to work with the Miami Children’s Initiative at Liberty City and also visit a children’s hospital.

What special experiences or memories did you get out of the break?

I loved getting to know my teammates and building new friendships. I also really enjoyed learning more about the reality of Liberty City and getting to know people who have chosen to bring hope and empowerment to places that society looks down upon.

David Michael
Major: Business Administration

What did you do over break?

For break, I attended a service trip to the Bronx, New York. We worked with Priority 1 ministry and other organizations to serve the local communities in different ways.

What special experiences or memories did you get out of the break?

This break has been refreshing and transformative for me. Firstly, I discovered the importance and benefits of service, which gave me the humbling mentality of a servant. Secondly, the good that we did in the community was undeniable. I was encouraged seeing our service coming to fruition and knowing that even with short-term service, much good can be done. Finally, the relationships that I have created with the individuals in my group I will greatly cherish.

Jonathan Spencer
: Junior
Major: Computer and information science

What did you do over break?

Over break I hung out with friends back home in Philadelphia and took a short vacation to New York City.

What special experiences or memories did you get out of the break?

My friend Raad and I were trying to navigate our direction with our phones while walking around and we continuously got lost because we couldn’t read the screens properly in the snow!

Marcie Webber
: Senior
Major: Theatre

What did you do over break?

I went back to my home in New Jersey. Since I stayed at Messiah over J-Term break working on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe musical, I was really looking forward to the time home to just be with family and take some time for myself. Also, as a senior I appreciated my last real chance to be a kid and to allow myself to be babied by my family before graduation takes me away to whatever mysterious thing comes next.

What special experiences or memories did you get out of the break?

One special thing I did over break was I went to see an abridged version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream with my two nephews. It was special because firstly, I love spending time with my nephews who are two fabulous goofballs, and secondly, I was around 8 and 10 when I first saw A Midsummer Night’s Dream performed at that very theater and developed a passion for theatre and the arts.