Stephanie Bricker
Student Life Editor
Isaiah Snyder is a first-year commercial music major who dreams of using music to impact and help people the way music has impacted him. Many of us know how music can change or encourage us in challenging situations or help us celebrate enjoyable times. Snyder is hoping to use his experience and skill to create music that does just that.
One big dream I have is to be able to change the lives of others through music, just as it has changed my own. Throughout my life, music has always played such a large role and helped me through some very difficult times. This dream is to help others realize the power of music and to use my own musical talent to perhaps change the lives of others in a similar manner.
Does that have anything to do with your major? How will you use your major?
Yes, in fact, this dream is the very reason that I am in my major. Through the knowledge I have gained in my first year at Messiah, I have been able to help young, talented musicians record and produce their own music, perform, as well as many other accomplishments. In my musical experiences here at Messiah, it’s amazing that my very dream became expressed to me through the music department/professors as I choose to pursue this dream myself. I plan to use my major to fulfill this dream by most importantly allowing God to lead, guide and direct me, but also to use the knowledge I gain to take advantage of the amazing opportunities I am blessed with here, and apply it to my job field when the time comes. I hope to work in a recording studio producing music that will help me accomplish this dream.
How long have you had this dream?
This dream came full swing when I realized how dependent I was on music as an outlet and source of stress relief after many difficult times in my childhood. In high school, I decided that I wanted to go to college to pursue a career in the music industry. I have always had this dream throughout my life, but never thought it would come true. Now that I am at college actually chasing after this dream, it seems much more in my grasp than ever before.
What are your plans for making this dream come true?
My plans for making this dream come true, are simply by making music. Whether that is through singing in Concert Choir, producing music of/for my peers, performing or even creating my own music, I truly believe that music is the one thing that speaks when words cannot. It doesn’t seem like much, but you would be surprised by the little impacts you have on others when you least expect it.
Messiah Dreams Big is an online column that seeks to give students a platform to share their dreams and empower their fellow students.