Becky Kimmel
Today Messiah welcomed first year students and their families to campus!
Question: What is some advice you have for your first-year student?
Paul Mills
Dad of Abby Mills – Witmer
“Enjoy the journey. Work hard to do the best you can, but don’t stress out too much. And treat others as you would like to be treated. That’s probably it besides have fun!”
Deb Yoder
Mom of Aydan Yoder – Witmer
“Try new things. Try all kinds of new things that you maybe never tried or don’t think you might even like, but maybe you will!”
Barb Bowman
Mom of Krista Bowman – Bittner
“Focus on school not boys! No boys until second semester.”
Mardell Knepper
Mom of Logan Knepper – Bittner
“He’s my third one in two weeks, so my sentimental advice would be, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and what he has for you this year. The more you draw close to him, the more he will meet you in everything else you do.”
Kimberly Weindorf
Mom of Brandon Weindorf – Naugle
“Enjoy yourself because it goes by fast . . . that is for sure. Make lots of friends because you don’t have friends like this when you get home!”