Ally Hufford
Student Writer
I don’t know about you guys, but I am at the point in the semester where I am starting to hit a wall. My motivation to do anything is slowly declining, and my professors do not seem to be getting the memo, considering how much work they have been assigning. I just keep on reminding myself that we are only a week away from spring break, and that is keeping me going. In the midst of all the assignments, campus events do not seem to be slowing down either; here is what you may have missed his week:
Saturday, February 24 – The Human Circuit visited Pulse FM
The Human Circuit, an indie band based out of Texas, came to Messiah on Saturday. They sat down with the Pulse’s Student Director and Music Director, Mikaela Mummert, to talk about their music, how they came together and what they have planned for the future. The band also performed a song.
Wednesday, February 28 – SGA Presidential Debate
Presidential candidates came together Wednesday night in the Union for a debate. There are three Presidential teams: Todd Abbott and Marianne Ramirez Gomez, TJ Culclasure and Laurel Hicks and Sarah Fe Harris and Timothy Mahoney. Each person explained what inspired them to run for office and they also answered audience questions. Don’t forget to vote!
Thursday, March 1 – Salt and Light Chapel
Students piled into Brubaker Thursday morning for what they thought would be a normal chapel service, but instead, it was a celebration of different forms of worship. Students were singing, playing instruments, painting, acting and dancing. During the performance, the audience was able to vote for what they wanted to see happen, making the chapel even more interactive.
Beyond Messiah
America’s Middle East negotiator Jared Kushner lost access to top-secret intelligence this week, complicating his role. This is due to him holding only interim, or temporary, clearances. The downgrade to “Secret level” affects more than just Kushner, but all White House employees with only interim clearances.