Ally Hufford
Student Writer
This week has been tough. I feel like I spent the entire week cooped up in my room studying for exams, working on assignments and attempting to catch up on sleep. Despite the busyness of this week, campus life continued to be exciting. Here’s what you may have missed:
Friday, April 6 & Saturday, April 7 – Lost Films: Wonder
Students piled into Parmer Cinema over the weekend to view Wonder, a 2017 film based on a New York Times bestseller written by R.J. Palacio. The story follows August, “Auggie”, Pullman who was born with facial deformities. Auggie faces the battle of transitioning from being homeschooled to attending a public school. Wonder is told through different character perspectives, including Auggie’s sister Via and his friend Jack Will. A little over halfway through the film, tears started rolling down my cheeks, and I could hear a chorus of sniffles throughout the theater, so be warned that this film may make you emotional.
Wednesday, April 11 – Waking Up White
On Wednesday night a crowd of white students filed into Hostetter Chapel for the sake of discussing racism. The event, hosted by BSU, SAB and SGA provided a safe space for white students to ask questions regarding what racism looks like today, privilege and how they can speak up. SGA is hosting a Civil Discourse centered around privilege, so students who want to learn more are welcome to come to Boyer 131 on Tuesday at 8 p.m. to join that discussion.
Wednesday, April 11 – B-Sides: Wild Pink
The stage in the Union lit up Wednesday night when Wild Pink came to perform. The band, based out of New York, features John Ross, TC Brownell and Dan Keegan. Groups of students swayed along to their music, which gave off an indie-folk vibe, in front of the stage. Wild Pink has a few more shows left in the U.S. before they begin touring Europe in May.
Beyond Messiah
Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, made a surprise announcement on Wednesday: He will not be running for re-election this November. Some political writers, including those at Politico and Axios, are speculating that Ryan’s retirement from his current position could lead to a Democrat taking over the seat.