Abby Kropp
Student Writer
We have passed the halfway point. Midterms are done. Either you’ve just finished a huge pile of work, or you’re still working your way through it. No matter where you’re at in terms of progress on your to-do list, don’t forget to take some time to yourself so that you can relax and rejuvenate. Here’s are some ideas to help you take a break.
Watch This is Us: The Pearson triplets have been through everything together. From day one their lives were unpredictable. One triplet passed away at birth, but their parents found joy in the traumatic situation by adopting a baby left at a fire station. The show follows the “Big 3” as adults while showing the events from their childhood and teenage years that made them who they are as adults. This show is an emotional roller coaster and keeps the audience addicted to the story.
Watch High School Musical: Yes, I’m asking you to reunite with your elementary school self. Revisit East High and release your inner Wildcat as Troy and Gabriella refuse to stick to the status quo and ignore the social order which society has created for them. Shine like the star you are with Ryan and Sharpay and never give up like Kelsey. If you didn’t watch High School Musical growing up, rewatch a movie that you loved. This recommendation is more about nostalgia than the movie itself.

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Listen to Bohemian Rhapsody: This may easily be one of Queen’s most well-known songs which is part of what makes it an amazing de-stressor. This song is nothing short of a blast to sing along with while you listen. Turn it on in your room and try to sing as many voices as you possibly can. Being goofy is great way to unwind and leave your worries behind.
Read If I Stay: We all need a good year jerker every now and then. No matter how tough you are it’s good to just let it out sometimes. “If I Stay…” by Gayle Foreman is a great way to do that. In this earth-shattering novel Mia’s family is in a car wreck. Mia, her parents, and her little brother each find themselves fighting for their lives. Mia finds herself in an out of body experience where she can see everything that is going on with her family though her body is in comatose. She is aware when her family members take their last breaths and must decide if she wants to take her last breath as well.
Play in the leaves: The Autumn leaves are falling beautifully onto our grass and walkways here at Messiah. Don’t be afraid to take full advantage of this simple gift from God. Let off some steam. Don’t be afraid to jump in a pile of leaves or throw some leaves at a friend. This is a great way to laugh, let off some steam and release some pent up energy.