Celica Cook, Student Writer

For some people, a tattoo is a permanent reminder of God’s great love in their life. This is true for Jaelynn Harbold who sees her tattoo as a symbol of God’s grace in her life.

What is your tattoo?

My tattoo says “still I rise” and there is a cross at the end

When did you get your tattoo?

I got my tattoo last May right after my birthday, so I’ve had it for almost a year now!

What does your tattoo mean?

The reason I got my tattoo was because of the meaning it had. Being a student athlete, I have faced a lot of adversity and have gotten knocked down a lot. It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, it’s the amount of times you get up and rise above. With God’s loving hand and His guidance, I have been able to rise above trials I couldn’t have imagined.

Why is it unique to you?

My tattoo is unique to me because of how I have seen God work in my life, especially in college. I got it on my left rib cage because it is close to my heart and it is a personal reminder than I can rise above anything, with God’s help.