Maddie Conley
Online Editor
Eyas Student Alumni Council and the Office of Annual Giving is hosting their annual philanthropy event called Give Big on February 14th-15th. Through opportunities and events encouraging small acts of kindness, Eyas hopes to foster a desire among students to give even more generously in the future.
Students can look forward to balloons around campus representing alum donors, pay it forward treat stations, a rubber duck scavenger hunt and thank you note writing stations.
As a member of the Eyas Council, sophomore Amy Kimmel is excited to see student reactions to the activities the team has planned.
“College students can sometimes see giving as unnecessary, but I hope Give Big will encourage students, that whether through money or time, giving will always be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Proverbs 11:24 tells us that ‘those who give generously, receive even more,’ said Kimmel.
Eyas is encouraging student-run clubs and organizations to get involved in Give Big by participating in the scheduled events, spreading the word at meetings, and posting pictures and videos to social media with the hashtag #WhyGiveBig.
“My hope for this event is that it will portray generosity and giving in a more attainable and feasible light,” said Eyas Sophomore Class Representative Katie Kramer.
Kramer believes that the purpose of Give Big is to show students that living generously can be through various aspects of their lives, not just through finances.
“Whether it be through giving of one’s time, extending gratitude or words of encouragement or through giving a friend a cup of hot chocolate, the goal of this two-day event is to create conversation and a new mindset showing students they can “Give Big” through small acts of generosity,” said Kramer.