More Than A Month: Black History

More Than A Month: Black History

Matt Dekonty Student Writer Yesterday evening, the Multicultural Council held a panel of Messiah faculty discussing the importance of black history, as well as its relation to the official month, and how students should go about learning and applying their historical...

A Month or a Mindset: Black History Month

Maddie Conley Online Editor How do we reconcile the contrasting realities of two holidays occurring in and defining the same month? February brings Valentine’s Day as well as Black History Month. One holiday is riddled with love and warm feelings, the other recognizes...

BSU’s #WeMatter Showcase Celebrates Black History Month

Willie Hope Sports & Rec Editor Not to be confused with the #WeMatterMessiah movement, the Black Student Union put on a two-night event this past weekend to celebrate Black History Month. Thursday included a Career and Professional Development seminar for students...

Messiah Celebrates Black History Month

Sharlene Oong Student Writer Behind every generation lies rich stories that are yet to be told. February is Black History Month—a time when individuals can sit and listen to the stories of the past. “Black History month is a special time where we as a nation get to...