Lights Off: Earth Hour 2018

Maddie Conley Online Editor This Saturday millions of lights will be switched off to celebrate diverse life on our planet and to spark conversation around taking action for the planet and nature. Earth Hour 2018 will respond to the accelerating climate change and...

Crafting your climate testimony

Becky Kimmel Editor-in-Chief As the first event of the three-part Climate Conversations series on campus this fall, Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, spokesperson for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, led a workshop on “Crafting Your Climate Testimony” Monday night. Students...

Let’s talk about climate change

Brandon Hoover Director of Sustainability How often do you think about global climate change? How often do your friends talk about it?  For many Americans, climate change is either an afterthought or something so overwhelming it is easier to not engage, or only...

Messiah Students Can Help Combat Global Climate Change

Jessalyn Megerle Social Media Manager 2015 is now the hottest year on record, according to climate scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The previous record was set by 2014, just the year before. Fifteen of the sixteen hottest...