President Phipps Becomes an RD For The Day

President Phipps Becomes an RD For The Day

Maddie Conley Online Editor It’s not every day Kim Phipps trades her presidential office in Old Main for a Residence Director’s apartment. But, yesterday the “Big Switch” took place. After Phipps accidentally picked up Residence Director Caleb...
Please Report to the President’s Office: Open Door Day

Please Report to the President’s Office: Open Door Day

Haley Mong Student Writer In October, Kim Phipps opened her office door to students and faculty who had concerns and ideas to share. The second Open Door Day of the year will be held tomorrow for connection between Phipps and the student body. Desiring to be “the...
Messiah College Will Become Messiah University

Messiah College Will Become Messiah University

Maddie Conley Online Editor The Board of Trustees announced today that Messiah will obtain university status by July 1, 2020. Initiated by President Kim Phipps with input from stakeholders, students, alumni and others from the Messiah community the recommendation was...
Where Do Our Tuition Dollars Go?

Where Do Our Tuition Dollars Go?

Kelly Webber Web Manager On Monday, SGA hosted “Where do our tuition dollars go?” featuring V.P. for Finance and Planning Dave Walker and V.P. for Enrollment Management John Chopka. The event was planned in response to SGA V.P. of Finance Logan Buffington noticing a...
Gun Violence Walkout 2018: Recap and Photo Gallery

Gun Violence Walkout 2018: Recap and Photo Gallery

Maddie Conley Online Editor Students left classes early on Friday and headed to Eisenhower lawn to mourn the death of those killed by gun violence. Speakers composed of students, faculty and administrators memorialized those affected and called attention to a need for...