by The Pulse | Mar 25, 2020 | Student Life
By: Nate Castellito Meet your Student Body President, America Cervantes, and Vice President, Matt Jenkins. In a well-contested election, the pair edged out Yabets Assefa and Will Sloyer. Cervantes and Jenkins will succeed Tetsuo Takahara and Jordan Sponsler in the...
by The Pulse | Oct 7, 2019 | News
By Kendra Sommers, SBM Culture Editor With the recent allegations and inquiries towards President Trump, here’s how the impeachment process works, and what it actually means for America. Firstly, impeachment is not the same as removal from office. The...
by The Pulse | Oct 2, 2018 | News
Kelly Webber Web Manager On Monday, SGA hosted “Where do our tuition dollars go?” featuring V.P. for Finance and Planning Dave Walker and V.P. for Enrollment Management John Chopka. The event was planned in response to SGA V.P. of Finance Logan Buffington noticing a...
by The Pulse | May 4, 2018 | News
Maddie Conley Online Editor Laundry isn’t something you would expect to cultivate complex and controversial discussion. But when news surfaces that Messiah’s wash is being done by inmates at SCI Somerset Prison, a deeper look into ethical considerations and underlying...
by The Pulse | Mar 11, 2018 | News
Robert Bouffard Student Writer Ramirez Gomez was watching Coco at Lost Films when she got the news. She then texted Abbot, who was taking down posters on the floor in Naugle he lived on his freshman year. “It was perfect,” Abbot said. “Then I went to bed.” Todd Abbot...