by The Pulse | Mar 25, 2020 | Student Life
By: Nate Castellito Meet your Student Body President, America Cervantes, and Vice President, Matt Jenkins. In a well-contested election, the pair edged out Yabets Assefa and Will Sloyer. Cervantes and Jenkins will succeed Tetsuo Takahara and Jordan Sponsler in the...
by The Pulse | Mar 11, 2018 | News
Robert Bouffard Student Writer Ramirez Gomez was watching Coco at Lost Films when she got the news. She then texted Abbot, who was taking down posters on the floor in Naugle he lived on his freshman year. “It was perfect,” Abbot said. “Then I went to bed.” Todd Abbot...
by The Pulse | Mar 23, 2016 | News, Student Life
Stephanie Bricker Student Writer As the United States continues its search for a president and vice president, Messiah students are also looking for two worthy candidates to hold SGA office for the 2016-2017 academic year. Last night, the three presidential pairs...