Spring Break Agapé Center Trips

This spring break, Messiah’s student-led missions hub, the Agapé Center, is organizing two service trips for students and faculty. Two groups of 12–15 students and faculty will partner with a different ministry, according to Emma Narber, graduate assistant for service...

Orlando Williams Profile

  (GRANTHAM, Pa.)– Orlando Williams walked through the Larsen Student Union, engaging in a phone call, as he suddenly saw me begin to pass him. Seeing his phone to his ear, my eyes swiftly met the ground as I did not want to disturb his conversation. As I walked...

Move-In 2024

(GRANTHAM, Pa.)– Excitement is high on campus as the new first-year class moves in, assisted by upperclassmen.   Current students who have moved onto campus early for leadership assist every year to help first years’ move-in experience run more smoothly, giving...

Messiah Mealtime – U Wraps

Snack Wraps. Only in America would fried chicken tenders, shredded cheese and a pinch of vegetables in a flour tortilla classify as a “snack”. Many a fast food restaurant has had a go at replicating these ergonomic grab-and-go wraps. McDonalds may lay claim to first...