“A Piece of Heaven”: Cultural Representation in Chapel

“A Piece of Heaven”: Cultural Representation in Chapel

By Cosette Schulties, Student Writer La Alianza Latina (LAL) collaborated with College Ministries to host a Tuesday night service on Oct. 22. This was more than a simple infusion of diversity, but LAL orchestrated the entire event – from choosing the songs to writing...

Week in Review: Election and Lost Intelligence

Ally Hufford Student Writer I don’t know about you guys, but I am at the point in the semester where I am starting to hit a wall. My motivation to do anything is slowly declining, and my professors do not seem to be getting the memo, considering how much work they...

6th Day Sexuality Chapel Recap

Kelly Webber Student Writer On October 29th, Messiah welcomed two guest speakers to a Thursday-night chapel “Viewpoints: A Dialogue on Christianity & Sexual Identity.” The debate was part of the 6th Day Sexuality series hosted by the Engle Center. According...

New Chapel Program to Begin this Fall

Madeline Crocenzi Summer Director Messiah College Ministries will be changing the chapel program beginning this fall 2015 semester. There will be three different worship services offered throughout the week on Tuesday mornings, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday mornings....