2020 SGA Debate Night

2020 SGA Debate Night

By Jessie Morgan On Wednesday night, students packed the Larsen Student Union for the annual Student Body Presidential and Vice Presidential debate. During the debate, the running-heads of the 2020 elections spoke on how they plan to best represent the Messiah...

Week in Review: Election and Lost Intelligence

Ally Hufford Student Writer I don’t know about you guys, but I am at the point in the semester where I am starting to hit a wall. My motivation to do anything is slowly declining, and my professors do not seem to be getting the memo, considering how much work they...

Let’s talk about climate change

Brandon Hoover Director of Sustainability How often do you think about global climate change? How often do your friends talk about it?  For many Americans, climate change is either an afterthought or something so overwhelming it is easier to not engage, or only...