Know Before You Go-Lost Films: Ant Man and the Wasp

Know Before You Go-Lost Films: Ant Man and the Wasp

Robert Bouffard Student Writer Ant-Man and the Wasp is the first Marvel movie to be released after Infinity War. So to say that it had big shoes to fill is an understatement. Taking into account at Ant-Man’s size, this shoe filling wasn’t looking promising. “I...
Know Before You Go-Lost Films: Infinity War

Know Before You Go-Lost Films: Infinity War

Robert Bouffard Student Writer There is a good chance that you heard lots of people making a big deal over Avengers: Infinity War back in April. The day after the movie was released, I heard people talking about it just about everywhere I went on campus – in class, at...
Know Before You Go-Lost Films: Isle of Dogs

Know Before You Go-Lost Films: Isle of Dogs

Robert Bouffard Student Writer Many of us can relate to the warm feelings dogs bring us. Dogs can bring fun, happiness and companionship, among other great qualities. Director Wes Anderson tries to tap into these feelings in his most recent film, Isle of Dogs, and he...
Behind the Door of SAB

Behind the Door of SAB

Kendra Sommers Student Writer On Wednesday, SAB held their “Behind the Door” event in the Union. It was designed similarly to that of a talk show, with hosts, Jenny Woolley, president of SAB, and Brian Gilroy from SGA, interviewing SAB executives about their roles and...
Know Before You Go-Lost Films: The Last Jedi

Know Before You Go-Lost Films: The Last Jedi

Robert Bouffard Student Writer Opinion “This is not going to go the way you think,” Luke Skywalker says this to Rey about two thirds of the way through Star Wars: The Last Jedi. He probably should have said this closer to the beginning because it would have let its...