Arts Invasion Day 2020

Arts Invasion Day is a chance for students in the art departments on campus to share their passions with the rest of the student body. Every year, students in music, dance, theatre or visual arts create their crafts outside to bring awareness to the joys of art and...

Preview of Arts Invasion

With the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions, there have been a limited number of events going on across campus and even less that students are able to actually go to and participate in. Come Tuesday September 22, there will finally be one of those opportunities....
Behind the Door of SAB

Behind the Door of SAB

Kendra Sommers Student Writer On Wednesday, SAB held their “Behind the Door” event in the Union. It was designed similarly to that of a talk show, with hosts, Jenny Woolley, president of SAB, and Brian Gilroy from SGA, interviewing SAB executives about their roles and...
Week in Review: Finals

Week in Review: Finals

Ally Hufford Student Writer If you couldn’t tell by the change in weather, summer is almost here. It’s hard to believe that we only have two days of classes left in this semester. Between juggling finals and attempting to get a tan – or a burn if you’re like me – you...

Week in Review: Pre-Spring Break

Ally Hufford Student Writer We’ve made it! Spring break is finally here. If I’m being completely honest, this last week was incredibly stressful. There were so many things going on around campus and professors definitely piled on the pre-break course load. You may...