UPDATE-Fire in Hoffman Causes Temporary Displacement

UPDATE-Fire in Hoffman Causes Temporary Displacement

By Maddie Conley, Web Content Manager UPDATED at 12:15 on 9/25/19–The first, second and third floors of Hoffman Hall have been reopened. The basement continues to remain closed with limited laundry services until next week, according to Messiah’s...
Hurricane Florence: What to Expect

Hurricane Florence: What to Expect

Maddie Conley Online Editor It seems these past few days you don’t need to check your weather app to know it’s going to be rainy and overcast. While Messiah has seen a total of 5.25 inches of rain, compared to the rest of the region, there has not been much damage...

New Finance Lab added to the list of projects for Fall 2017

Willie Hope III Sports & Rec Editor In addition to the Sollenberger Sports Center renovations that will be done for the start of the fall semester, Frey Hall will also undergo renovations. The Ralph S. Larsen Finance Lab will be added to Frey 143 and the hallway...

Campus construction updates

Madeline Crocenzi Summer Director Even though classes have ended and most residence halls are empty, there’s still plenty going on around Messiah. This summer, the campus has been alive with renovations and continued construction projects. Here are four of the major...

Dining addition now open to the college

Alyssa Burd Online Editor The long-awaited opening of the Lottie dining addition has finally arrived! The Martin Commons officially opened this morning to students and faculty of the College. Even though construction on the outdoor spaces continues, the interior...