by The Pulse | Oct 28, 2020 | Culture, Events
Writers: Alexis Sheely and Kaitlin Merlino October comes to a close in just a few days with many people preparing to celebrate this month’s crowning holiday, Halloween. While potential trick-or-treaters settle in for a spooky night at home because of concerns with...
by Alexis Sheely | Oct 21, 2020 | Culture
Another day, another odd October holiday. Today we celebrate National Thank Your Cleaner Day. In these trying times of COVID-19, it is important that we take the extra steps to reach out and thank Messiah University’s cleaning staff. They have been working extremely...
by Alexis Sheely | Oct 16, 2020 | Culture, Events
Happy Friday everybody! Not only can everyone celebrate the end of the week today, but they can also celebrate another odd holiday of October. Today is deemed National Learn a New Word Day. Although the origins of the holiday are unknown, it is assumed that...
by Alexis Sheely | Oct 7, 2020 | Culture, Events
Oct. 7 designates “National Flower Day.” Not to be confused with the holiday celebrated on March 21, today specifically focuses on the U.S. national flower, the rose. This day marks the signing of Senate Joint Resolution 159, which adopted the rose as the national...
by Alexis Sheely | Oct 1, 2020 | Culture, Events
Fall has arrived here at Messiah University. While October is known for the spooky season of Halloween, many other odd holidays exist throughout the month, providing us with easy and fun ways to celebrate. Starting off the month, Oct. 1 serves as Bring Your Bible to...