6 Ways to Beat the “Cold Weather Blues”

Valerie Bell Student Writer There is nothing worse than being trapped inside on a dark, cold, snowy day. Maybe you dread that walk to class because of the brutal winds and icy sidewalks. And after class, you might find yourself bored with nothing to do since you can’t...

10 signs you know you have “fall fever”

Valerie Bell Student Writer The leaves are slowly changing color and beginning to flutter from the trees to the ground. The air is becoming more crisp. You begin to see limited edition pumpkin flavored everything, everywhere and Halloween is just around the corner....

10 things you can do on Earth Day

Valerie Bell Student Writer The anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970 is celebrated on April 22, what many of us know as Earth Day. There are many opportunities at Messiah to get involved with sustainability and participate in...

Presidential elections come to Messiah

Stephanie Bricker Student Writer As the United States continues its search for a president and vice president, Messiah students are also looking for two worthy candidates to hold SGA office for the 2016-2017 academic year. Last night, the three presidential pairs...