Week in Review: Finals

Week in Review: Finals

Ally Hufford Student Writer If you couldn’t tell by the change in weather, summer is almost here. It’s hard to believe that we only have two days of classes left in this semester. Between juggling finals and attempting to get a tan – or a burn if you’re like me – you...
Week in Review: Dance, Movies and a New Baby

Week in Review: Dance, Movies and a New Baby

Ally Hufford Student Writer It’s hard to believe that we only have one full week of classes left in the semester. All of the hard work we’ve put in since the beginning of the semester is about to pay off – especially for graduating seniors. With finals on the horizon,...
Week in Review: B-Sides Returns

Week in Review: B-Sides Returns

Ally Hufford Student Writer This week has been tough. I feel like I spent the entire week cooped up in my room studying for exams, working on assignments and attempting to catch up on sleep. Despite the busyness of this week, campus life continued to be exciting....
Week in Review: MLK50, Power Outage, Jesus Christ Superstar

Week in Review: MLK50, Power Outage, Jesus Christ Superstar

Ally Hufford Student Writer With Easter break over, it’s time to buckle down and start dreaming of the end of the semester. We’re just a little over a month out, and those due dates that seemed so far away are beginning to sneak up. Amidst sorting out next semester’s...

Week in Review: Love, Incense and Theft

Ally Hufford Student Writer Spring break flew by in a blink, and now we can begin counting down the days until Easter break begins. Between getting back into the routine and enjoying that wonderful mid-week snow day, here’s what you may have missed: Wednesday, March 7...